
Heritage Foundation Head Jim DeMint's Revisionist History: Government Didn't Free the Slaves

Orange Impostor4/09/2014 1:12:35 pm PDT

Erick son of Erick demonstrates his right to be a bigoted jackass.
Quoted in its entirety because he’s blocked Firefox from accessing the site.

Firefox users: We sent you a little message today.

Today, users of the Firefox web browser were given a message when accessing most of our Front Page content at RedState. They were told that this site could not be displayed, because of a conflict with the values of the Mozilla corporation, and they were suggested to visit another site.

We put that message up, because we wanted to remind people that the totalitarian impulse of the Mozilla corporation is real, and if you haven’t been Made to Care yet, you will be soon.

Send a message that you won’t take it lying down. Get another browser. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and why. Safari, Chromium, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, you name it. None of these browsers is developed by a corporation that is persecuting individuals for what they do with their own time and money. Firefox is, because that’s what Mozilla has done to Brendan Eich.