
Trump Surrogate Jason Miller Backs Out, Then Trump Adviser A.J. Delgado Deactivates Her Twitter Account

Sufficient unto the day...12/25/2016 1:58:02 am PST

So, I’ve been thinking about this for a few days, how or if I should mention it.

A couple was checking out, I noticed the woman, she was in a full-length black…something, the exact name escapes me. But it told me enough.

She sat down on the bench behind me, and I started paying more attention to the customers in front of me, and I hardly paid attention to her at all. My vision basically covered about 300 degree area directly in front of her (there was a wall behind her), my eyes started going to all the other customers looking at faces, hands, looking for bulges in pockets.

I wasn’t afraid of her at all. I was terrified of what the other people might say or do. Nothing at all happened though.

I hate feeling the need to react like that.