
Another Great Take From Seth Meyers: Republicans Think Trump Is Unstable, Trump Attacks Press Freedom

ObserverArt10/12/2017 7:55:28 am PDT

re: #132 HappyWarrior

I think there’s validity to that. But I also wonder if the internet has allowed Spencer to spread his message and get more positive reception than Duke did back i nthe day.

The message, no matter how it is spread, is only received if people want to accept it.

David Duke was not accepted when he was 30 something. He did get quite a bit of news coverage for the time. But that news coverage was also a part of the time, it was neutral to favorable. He was more or less shut down.

I think the fact that David Duke popped back up the last few years was because even he saw things are different now and there is an audience ready to accept the message of White Supremacy.

It’s freaking sad that this is even a thing now. But then, so much bad crap has come back again. Ignorance of the past.