
A Cross-Cultural Tiny Desk Concert: Camila Cabello and Her Not So Tiny Band

Nerdy Fish10/15/2021 6:42:30 pm PDT

re: #138 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Their argument is that NFTs have real world value, so cannot be traded on their platform.

People believe NFTs have value, but some people think currencies in MMORPGs have value too.

Steam has banned games that use blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs (PCGAMESN)

MMO currency does have some real-world value, in the case of MMOs that have implemented currency exchange. In World of Warcraft, at least for a time (dunno if this is true now), you could pay real-world currency to Blizzard in exchange for in-game currency, giving the in-game currency a nominal real-world value. Now, selling in-game currency to redeem that value was the real trick…