
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Spider Made of Pipe Cleaners

mmmirele4/07/2022 8:20:04 pm PDT

Man, NYC really has itself in the shit with their new mayor.

Mayor Adams invokes apostles to justify policy of clearing NYC homeless encampments

Mayor Adams and dozens of faith leaders held a Christian praise rally in City Hall Park on Thursday — an event that featured Adams invoking the apostles as justification for his policy of removing homeless encampments from city streets.

“We are on the wrong road as a city. We have tolerated homelessness, walked past our brothers and sisters who are living in tents on the street, and we’ve normalized it,” he said. “I can’t help but to believe that if Matthew, Mark, Luke and John was here today, he would be on the streets with me, helping people get out of encampments.”

Adams has come under fire for his removal of encampments since his policy came to light two weeks ago. Since then opponents of his decision have called it inhumane and counterproductive, arguing that it’s no way to persuade people who are fearful of staying in homeless shelters that are often dangerous.

Councilman Lincoln Restler (D-Brooklyn) said Thursday that removing the encampments “without a tangible, safe housing solution is totally unacceptable.”

“I’m a Jew,” he said. “But as I understand it, Jesus was about helping the poor and helping those most in need. Throwing homeless people’s belongings away without providing them a safe place to live seems like the opposite of what Jesus would have done.”

The prayer rally, just steps from City Hall, came a day after Sanitation Department workers cleared homeless encampments in the East Village, throwing tents and other belongings into garbage trucks The NYPD arrested seven people as part of the sweep. It came two days after the City Council’s progressive caucus, which represents a majority of the body’s membership, denounced the sweeps and called on Adams to end the policy.

“By demolishing these street encampments, the mayor is telling people, many of whom have nowhere else to go, that they don’t belong,” the caucus said in a statement put out Tuesday.

More of Adams being a shitheel at the link.