
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Toe Monster

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/28/2023 11:25:44 pm PDT

I’m sure this will go over well with Russia. From Estonia’s public broadcaster, in English

Estonia’s parliament committee recommends using Königsberg not Kaliningrad (Eesti Rahvusringhääling, September 26, 2023)

The Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee proposed on Tuesday that the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad should be referred to by its historical name Königsberg from now on.

The committee made the proposal to the Language Committee of the Estonian Language Society.

Chairman Marko Mihkelson (Reform) said the committee found that using the Soviet-era name Kaliningrad in the Estonian language should be discontinued and the historic name Königsberg should be used instead.

Mihkelson emphasized that Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland have already made similar moves.

Members also pointed out that the city of Kingisepp in Russia, close to the Estonian border, should be called by its former name Jamburg or Jaama.
