
New From Seth Meyers: Trump Makes First Visit to Capitol Hill Since Jan. 6, Asks GOP to Overturn Conviction

lawhawk6/14/2024 5:29:28 am PDT

re: #136 Nerdy Fish

Boeing is fooked. Legal term.

They’ve been so fixated on cost containment that the core job of building airplanes that are safe and reliable is now a distant fourth to minimizing costs, maximizing shareholder capital, and screwing employees (especially those who blow the whistle). They sought out states that have minimal worker protections and no unions, so they could get more profit.

Turns out that it was a fool’s errand, as planes that crash and whose parts fall off (and yeah, some of this is actually on the airlines and maintenance companies that fail to do their jobs), shareholder capital and minimizing costs get vaporized.

This is what happens when you put bean counters and LBO types in power instead of the engineers who build the planes and know what it takes to make reliable equipment.

The FAA also admits they were wrong to let Boeing self-certify, and were far too lax on oversight.

Well, yeah. The FAA lacks the resources to do all of this themselves, so they farmed it out to the manufacturers themselves, but when faults are discovered, they didn’t protect the whistleblowers either. It’s a fubar system that is undermining the overall reliability of airlines (which are still safer than driving per mile).