
Sotomayor on Tape

zombie5/29/2009 1:54:05 pm PDT

re: #127 jvic

Wow. Would you happen to have a link about that incident? (I’m not disputing you, just performing due diligence.) Thanks.

I read about it in college psychology courses. The test was made up in the pre-Internet era, in the ’80s, and then subsequently tried to be suppressed, so it’s not easy to find. By the time the Web appeared, it very likely had mostly been expunged from memory as much as possible. The one time I tried to find a link (quite a while ago), I remember that I couldn’t do it quickly, so gave up. Hence, I don’t have a link handy, nor the spare time at the moment to try to dig one out. I suspect it will be not so easy, since I don’t remember the names of the professors!

I’ll try to dig it up when I have some free time, however.