
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

Walter L. Newton6/02/2009 11:12:14 am PDT

re: #112 drcordell

If these people who support this kind of craziness are “not really Christians,” then get rid of them. Why would you want them?

Often it’s not as easy as simply “kicking them out.” Most major denominations have some sort of council that would have to rule on the issue before they “excommunicate” anyone. My mother is Presbyterian and I know the issue of deciding the church’s official stance on homosexuality is causing a huge schism within the “synod” (the Presbyterian council that sets doctrine).

I would imagine abortion is just as much of a hot-button issue as gay rights within most churches. Even if most church members don’t condone anti-abortion terrorism, creating a litmus test to determine who to throw out, and then actually gaining traction to throw out violently pro-life members would be pretty difficult.

Greek scriptures give you the examples on how to rule on these sort of issues.