
A Reply to Power Line's Paul Mirengoff on Geert Wilders

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/17/2009 2:06:01 pm PDT

re: #138 spudly

Interesting post.

Another thought experiment:

What about suborning unacceptable acts? I think we agree that an organization that say, suborns the murder of a doctor is or should be accountable. So if the religion’s doctrine suborns murder (and it can be demonstrated that it is acted on often enough to be widely held), does that make it unacceptable?

We allow that idiot to have his “god hates fags” church, but when he starts telling the few inbred church members to start KILLING them, is that over the line, or protected as long as they don’t start the killing? None the less, when they DO start the killing, none of us will be surprised, the writing was on the wall, so to peak.

That’s why I carefully said that you can believe what you want, but if you act or threaten to act in a way that would be a secular crime, you are not protected.