
Meet Arkansas GOP State Representative Loy Mauch

b_sharp11/16/2010 1:04:40 pm PST

re: #122 LudwigVanQuixote

Is that a compliment ?

I’m not trying to rant per se. I am being very serious. There is such a thing as a good side and a benefit to religious expression. People like this creep Mauch end up giving the whole enterprise of religion a bad name for anyone who believes in it at all.

A good hearted person - who has the very same good natured impulses that Judaism, Christianity and Islam preach that G-d wants him to have in the first place, will conclude that there is no G-d and their is no point to faith because of the terrible example set by creatures like this.

Sane people rightly conclude that if being a believer means being a hateful, ignorant, narrow minded, cruel bigot, then they want nothing to do with it. When people like Mauch then go on to justify their abominable views int eh Name of a G-d who clearly doesn’t want that stuff, they can not do it without butchering the text. The butchered text and the hackneyed understandings are child’s play to pick apart. And because the people dong the butchering are so very hateful, it is even fun to pick them apart and hoist them on their own petards.

So now our sane person concludes that the Bible is for morons as well.

But in the end, all of those who have some measure of faith, who are sane, get smeared with that same brush, and many who correctly decided that the butchered faith was not for them, never get to experience the real thing.

That is a loose for everyone.

That was me being impressed and wishing I had that command of language.

The world would be a much better place without people like Mauch.