
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout6/28/2011 7:17:26 am PDT

re: #133 Gus 802

I don’t know. Speaking for myself I don’t see the point in spending the whole day doing the Snoopy Dance for the latest Bachmann flub. She obviously had JQA confused with her father. And speaking of flakes, if we look back at most all presidential election we will find many flakes that have attempted to win their party’s primary from both sides of the aisle. And that being said about all of this one thing is for certain and that it is that is still not a 100 percent certainty that Obama will be reelected.

I agree the flubs and gaffes are fun for the giggle factor but aren’t serious. It’s Bachmann’s response that makes them a little more newsworthy. If she just said she mispoke or was misinformed the issue would go away but she sticks to them no matter how false they are. Journalists are just scratching the surface on these statements, there are thousands of them. Her world view and policies are based on some very serious falsehoods and conspiracy theories and she has no ability to acknowledge the truth when confronted.