
Video: Todd Palin Admits Sarah Bailed As Governor to Make Money

Renaissance_Man8/20/2011 6:02:58 pm PDT

re: #129 WindUpBird

Disillusioned Obama voters will still vote for Obama no matter what they say, because they hate Republicans far more than they value their disillusionment :D

If that were true, then the Conservative cult would never, ever, stand a chance.

However, there is a third option, which is to not turn up. And that is what will put a cultist theocrat in the White House. And that’s not hard to imagine - an atmosphere of poisonous hatred where Democratic voters are disillusioned, despondent, or uninspired, because every message they hear on every station is how angry everyone is about the President, and how hated they are. We almost have that now.

And it would be fixed by compulsory voting, naturally, but that’s a whole other argument…