
Video: TNIW (That Night in Williamsburg)

Ian G.1/11/2013 6:20:33 am PST

Via Sullivan, an article about geoengineering from the SF Chronicle: Link

What do people think about geoengineering schemes? I feel like a good analogy is chemotherapy. Normally, putting powerful poisons in one’s body would be a bad idea, but if the other option (cancer) is even worse, you do it, at least until the threat recedes.

Climate Change is planetary cancer, and until we reach the point where we’ve replaced carbon fuel with green energy entirely, we’re at risk. I think there will be a green energy revolution sooner rather than later, but it may be too late to stop the worst effects of climate change. We know how the 1991 eruption of Mt. Pinatubo affected the climate, and have a pretty good idea about the effects of other powerful eruptions in the past via ice cores and tree rings, so we wouldn’t really be going into an unknown zone.

The objections strike me as naive “you’re tinkering with forces beyond your control”. “You’re messing with natural systems.” “It could have unpredictable negative effects”. Um, and this is different from what we’re currently doing by pumping zillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere….how?