
If 'Doctor Who' Had Been an American Show

hartly2/19/2014 6:08:31 am PST

re: #13 The War TARDIS

I’m thinking more of flesh and blood on flesh and blood violence, like Sarah beating an Exxilon to death with a crank, Peri doing the same thing to a mutant with a log, and Leela’s numerous knifings/arrowings/janis-thornings. Obviously Cybermen and Daleks (especially Cybermen) don’t really count as “flesh and blood”. Much of the violence that I’ve seen in New Who is too cartoonish to feel violent. A case in point: Family of Blood tries to bring the horrors of war to us by showing a bunch of scare crows getting shot in slow motion; the beginning of Genesis of the Daleks does the same thing much much more effectively by showing us actual people getting gunned down.

It also depends on how the killing is done, whether or not it counts as violence. I wouldn’t call Clara’s killing of Akhenaten violent…or particularly believable.