
What I don't Hear

Kravmavolley8/05/2014 6:41:08 pm PDT

re: #7 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Ok now on to your other thing.

1. I understand exactly what you were trying to say.. I am not ascribing that sympathy to you, you are talking about what others say. But then you said this:

First of all, I never talked about ‘doing fuck all’, so I’m not sure why that appears in quotes.

Here were your words exactly:

There are plenty of people who acknowledge that shooting rockets accomplishes fuck-all for Palestinians, but point out that doing anything else accomplishes fuck-all, as well.

The words “Fuck all” appear in quotes because (as you can see above) that was the term you used.

2. You said:

That is not a realistic thing to have happen, though. I mean, it’s great in Pollyanna land, but that is something that, if it happens, would happen at the end of a long amount of negotiation. It’s never going to emerge from the Palestinian people, and if you’re attempting a fact-based examination of the topic, this should be incredibly obvious.

You’re right…at this point that is not going come from the Palestinian people but then again I was told that everything else was tried. Was I not? In the end though, that is what is going to have to emerge in some form or other. It is not Pollyanna-ish unless the parties in question will simply never accept that. AND in the end if they don’t then this conflict won’t end and if it won’t be tried then I don’t have much sympathy for those who won’t try it.

3. You are quoting that insane person Moshe Feiglin. Ok…. he did something like that. BUT remember that Feiglin is a hard rival of PM Netanyahu, the position he holds is a mainly powerless andhe is a minor player in Likud. Still even that… What Feiglin promoted was awful and he should be stripped of any position in the government… his plan for exile and re-patriation in other states is NOT equal to Hamas’ - Kill all the Jews in the world commentary.

Still I will give you that Feiglin’s post is discerning….

Now as for this:

t really seems like you haven’t read my post at all. You’ve instead, constructed a fantasy post and attacked that. It really doesn’t do anything for the conversation when you do that. Please try to engage with what I actually say.

And please stop putting things in quotation marks I didn’t say. That is a really fundamentally dishonest thing to do and it will quickly grow incredibly tiresome.

I did read your post and did not intend to launch an attack. I am sorry you read it as one. It was not.

As for quotes… as you can see I quoted you above. Those were your exact words. How is that wrong? I really am curious.

Again, I thanked you for a civil response to my post. I disagreed on some points. I thought that was clear. How you took this for an “attack post” G-d only knows.