
Mike Huckabee Defends "Renting" His Email List to Quacks

lawhawk5/08/2015 10:40:03 am PDT

He’s shilling BS medical claims. And he’s seeking out the nomination to be president of the US on a major party (GOP).

His actions are only slightly less slimy than those of say Dr. Oz, who is an actual medical doctor (surgeon) who was touting miracle cures and other pill popping wonders. Whereas Oz has a medical degree and should be tossed from his position at Columbia U medical school for his dishonest hackery, the only thing that the US public can do when faced with Huckabee’s BS is to ignore Huckabee as a political figure and put your votes elsewhere.

Huckabee is putting his profits over the safety and wellbeing of the public. Selling mailing lists so that outfits can profit on these bogus claims is a distinction by degree. He signed up with these outfits in the first place. He put his name and face to these products. He endorsed them.

He’s going to make money off gullible people buying this crap. And people could potentially come to harm because they buy this crap instead of going to a doctor and getting properly treated.

Yet another reason to not trust Huckabee.