
The Bob & Chez Show: Things Done With Uranium

Citizen K2/17/2017 11:20:15 am PST

I’m at a point right now where I might have to start carrying my birth certificate around on me, because I’m afraid I might end up in a situation where I’ll have to prove my citizenship, and my state ID and SSC won’t cut it for someone intent on marking me an ‘illegal’. Forget the fact that my parents were refugees in all but name and law, forget that I’m the youngest born of 4 children all born in the states, forget I grew up in deep coal country of Southern WV. I’m brown, I have a Hispanic last name, and have been mistaken for everything from Hispanic to Chinese to Indian to Middle Eastern and back. And that makes me one of those folks who could easily get wrapped up in the net despite all the right legal statuses.