
Another Bombshell From the Post: Kushner Discussed Setting Up Secret Communications Between Trump and the Kremlin

Pawn of the Oppressor5/26/2017 4:44:37 pm PDT

re: #6 sagehen

repost from previous thread:

The British let Coventry be bombed, with no defenses and no evacuations, rather than compromise the Enigma info source.

Smoking guns weren’t leaked before the election, because they thought he was going to lose and keeping those info channels was important. It’s only now that he’s in the big chair that disclosure is more important than protecting sources and methods.


Our NATO allies are calling an Article 5 themselves, defending the US from Russian attack.

I’ve openly wondered for a while if Article 5 can be invoked against one of NATO’s own members, if that member is compromised.

Surely there’s a provision for something like a Communist takeover of a smaller member state (Italy or Greece come to mind, back in the old days).