
Seth Meyers: After Mueller Report, Trump Lies About Budget Cuts to Health Care and the Special Olympics [VIDEO]

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/02/2019 12:42:34 am PDT

re: #13 Teukka

“Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen,” or “Where books are burned, in the end, people will also be burned.”
— Heinrich Heine (1823)

And just who might be behind this revival of superstition-driven book burning? From the same Guardian article:

It is not the first occasion in which the hugely popular Harry Potter series has attracted the ire of religious zealots, some of whom believe the books are inspired by evil spirits and could lead children astray. Kids Against The Sorcerers, a 2016 cartoon film promoted by a number of Russian government agencies, featured a nefarious western plot backed by Nato and Harry Potter to subvert and corrupt Russian schoolchildren.