
Stunning Finger-Style Virtuosity: Matteo Mancuso, "Havona"

Targetpractice1/25/2020 12:46:29 pm PST

re: #10 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

My argument is this. You want to do the New Deal 2.0 when we don’t even have a majority in both Houses of Congress and you ignore the courts too. At best, Bernie would look like a lame duck, at worst, he’d be made out to be an uncompromising ideologue. I don’t like that the economic discussion in our country is the way it is either but it is naive of them to expect we’ll turn into Norway because of Bernie.

FDR only got the New Deal enacted because he had supermajorities in both houses of Congress. And even then, he had to make compromises to avoid enough defections to kill his initiatives. And let’s not forget that even after accomplishing that, he still had to face court challenges to much of it.

Only in an optimistic scenario would Bernie have a Senate majority, and even that might require rule changes to the filibuster if he wants to have any hope of passing legislation before his term ends. If he failed to win the Senate, then forget it, he might as well sit in his office and play solitaire.