
John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Gaze on the US Jury System [VIDEO]

KGxvi8/17/2020 10:38:34 am PDT

I haven’t watched Last Week Tonight, but there’s a hundred reasons why our jury system sucks… most people can’t afford to take multiple days off work (most employers don’t pay for days off on jury duty; and what the court provides is shit). there’s a culture of “how can I get out of jury duty” that pervades our society; in other words: it’s not seen as a civic duty and a matter of patriotism, it’s a chore that nobody wants to bother with. then there’s how jury duty actually plays out for a lot of people - ie, they go to the courthouse, sit in the jury room all day and don’t even get called to go to the courtroom (usually because there is a last minute settlement). and if you do get into the courtroom, the actual voir dire process is (speaking as a former litigator) litigators at their worst.