
Incredible! Julian Lage Live at the Digital Discovery Festival

piratedan9/25/2023 9:41:57 pm PDT

re: #3 Mattand

I’m going to take a more compassionate pass on her….

Most of us here have seen what the last 50 years of Fox News and Rupert Murdoch have wrought. AM Radio and Rush Limbaugh and the framing in the MSM and their relentless ads of casting Dems as evil and all of their policies of being unamerican if not illegal. Think of the MILLIONS of low information or have-always-been Republican families that have been marinating in this stew, growing up in this “culture” and I can see where you can end up with someone like Ms. Hutchinson, who at her core may be a nice person who has made allowances for the people she’s politically aligned with forever because that’s what they’ve always done.

Then having to be confronted with the very real evidence that Donald Trump is not a good guy and wants to use him as the emotional dumpster for everything wrong with the GOP. That’s fine, every journey starts with a first step.

She may not be a hero, but when you look at the number of staff who worked in and around the WH and she’s one of the few who had that combination of a set of morals and ethics and was on the fringe of personal awareness that they would underbus her the moment that it was expedient to do so.