
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Something Snapped In This Guy

Florida Panhandler6/04/2024 2:59:06 pm PDT

re: #1 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The GOP will never be rid of DJT until he dies or is driven from politics for health reasons.

Until he is room temperature 6 feet under and out of view his base will worship him.

Witness the continued worship of Vladimir Lenin even after decades of room temperature status. His public display during all this time proves a cult of personality continues as long as the body itself in visible. True the worship of Lenin and corpse viewing has diminished over time, but this is exactly the point. It will take this current generation of MAGA to die out before Convicted Felon Trump’s worshippers vanish.

In fact I can imagine his family is greedy, crass and vulgar enough to already be planning a public mausoleum where for $20 you too can place your hands on the glass casket and receive the blessings of Convicted Felon Trump’s badly preserved and grotesquely made-up shell.