
Obama Statement on Christmas Day Attack

SixDegrees12/29/2009 1:49:17 pm PST

re: #4 Charles

The bottom line is that we have to cut out the feel-good crap that dominates current security measures, and start deploying technology that will actually work. Full body scan technology is one very good idea that’s being resisted for no good reason.

At present we don’t have a real passenger security strategy. We have a passenger annoyance strategy that’s turned air travel into an ordeal without making anyone safer.

While I don’t agree that throwing more money at technological solutions is the best use of our resources, it’s apparent that current thinking is nearly inverted. The emphasis ought to have been preventing this guy from ever obtaining a visa in the first place, not on making passengers strap themselves in with their hands on their laps or creating even deeper bottlenecks at security checkpoints. That’s all very theatrical, but at that point the enemy is already at the gates, or even inside them.