
Rick Santorum calls JFK a radical for believing in the separation of church and state

CuriousLurker3/16/2011 10:08:50 am PDT

re: #11 theheat

It isn’t a bind per se; to them it’s a step forward. This movement toward Christian fundamentalism cannot be tempered because the very heart of fundamentalism is without compromise. It’s all or nothing; it doesn’t matter if it’s the Taliban or Christian fundies.

Well and truly said.

The party willingly sold itself to the religious nuts, starting clear back with St. Reagan. It’s not really new, just more rabid. It owns the party. There is no hope of recovery for the GOP without completely dismantling it, and they can not and will not bear the pain of that much introspection.

I keep thinking that the GOP must’ve cynically (and stupidly) assumed they could use the fundies and then cast them aside, but now that I think of it, that really wouldn’t work. If you make a group a part of your new base, then you have to continually maintain & grow that base to stay in power.