
Jim 'Dim' Hoft Says Obama Booed at AIPAC, Posts Video With No Boos

simoom5/22/2011 11:13:07 am PDT

According to JTA there was a single boo, somewhere in the audience, which I’d imagine most cameras wouldn’t even catch unless they were positioned in exactly the right spot, when the President reiterated the 1967 line:

Lee Rosenberg introduced Obama, ran through the Obama-is-pro-Israel talking points (increased defense asisstance, confronting Iran, rejecting Hamas as a partner) and segued from praise for killing Osama bin Laden, which got a standing ovation, to inrtroducing Obama.

No comment on Obama’s speech thursday. AIPAC is reserving comment for after this speech.

Obama runs through his pro-Israel credentials, with many applause lines, but then gets to the nub: If he wants to get the Internationaly community on board to stop the Palestinian effort to declare independence unitlaterally, he needs a plan when he goes to Europe this evening.

The Palestinian march for recognition, he says, “will continue to gain momentum in the absence of a credible peace process. The basis for negotiations has to hold out the prospect of success.

Obama repeats his line about the 1967 lines, and gets one big boo, but also applause.

Then this line, brings about half the room to its feet with applause, while half the room is resolutely sitting:

By definition, it means that the parties themselves – Israelis and Palestinians – will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.

He departs to standing applause.

Obviously this still completely contradicts Hoft’s: “They just introduced Barack Obama at AIPAC 2011. He was met with boos.