
For Most Women, GOP Sonograms Will Require Invasive Procedure

Targetpractice5/25/2011 10:37:42 am PDT

re: #5 Obdicut

The Texas bill actually contains a provision excepting rape victims.*

So they just want them raped once.

* Which is a whole problem in and of itself. What if a woman says she’s been raped, wants an abortion, but doesn’t want to have the rapist prosecuted? Or says she doesn’t know who it is? Does she have to prove rape? If not, can’t every woman claim rape? Won’t this make it more likely that women wanting abortions will claim rape in order to have the abortion, and then drop the charges?

That’s pretty much the regular “argument” made whenever such laws are put forth. “We can’t put in exceptions for rape, because then every woman wanting an abortion will just cry ‘Rape!’”

At least, that’s not when they’re trying to argue that God doesn’t care how the “baby” was created, and that a “life” created through rape is just as “important.”