
The Cain Campaign: Massive Fail 101

Kragar11/30/2011 10:46:48 am PST

Coulter calls McCain a ‘douchebag,’ gets bleeped by MSNBC

Ann Coulter, conservative author and preferred provocateur among cable news bookers, was repeatedly bleeped during a recent appearance on “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. In the bleeped asides, Coulter apparently called John McCain a “douchebag.”

Coulter was also cut for several seconds while discussing the consistency of current and former GOP candidates, including Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and McCain.

“What did I say, ‘douchebag’?” Coulter, realizing she had been bleeped, asked Joe Scarborough.

“We’ll just blur it all out,” Scarborough said.

“Well, they got the general drift,” Coulter added.

UPDATE: Coulter later clarified her comments via Twitter: “I didn’t call McCain a douchebag. I said consistency is overrated because, for example, McCain was consistently a dickweed.”