
Santorum Denounces Planned Parenthood Bombing, While Continuing Incitement

jamesfirecat4/02/2012 11:28:37 am PDT

Reposted from last thread…

“While we can and should work to defund Planned Parenthood and push back against government mandates that force Americans and religious institution to violate their faith, violence against our fellow citizens has no place in a freedom-loving America.”

That’s one weird last sentence… shouldn’t it be “faith, BUT violence against our…”

By not including a “BUT” or some other kind of whatever they’re called, it sort of makes it sound like right now Planned Parenthood is also taking part in “violence against our fellow citizens” which is why they need to be defunded?

Which is exactly what they would be doing if you believe abortion is murder…

And suddenly it makes much more sense…