Comment Publishes Ludicrous 'Not-Birther' Article (Wink)

Mostly sane, most of the time.5/17/2012 11:44:37 am PDT

re: #3 ShaunP

Government docs - irrelevant
Newspaper announcements from the time - laughable
Some guy wrote it - incontrovertible proof!!!1

Have you ever walked through what it would take to get the newspapers announcement fakes in every library in the US (and probably some outside the US) on microfilm?

First—you have to have an inside man at the company that makes the microfilms. Every single library in the US does not have it’s own machine for making the films, obviously.

You have to make a perfect copy that also appears to be over forty years old and is different only in that one page.

You have to have an operative go into every library (most public libraries, school libraries, and university libraries), check out the offending film and swap it out. You’ll need a large stack of old reels, because using a brand new one would be suspicious. Smuggle the old film out. Nobody can see you do this, so you’ll have to choose a time when the microfilm reader room is empty. No, they can’t be checked out.

You can’t miss a library, just in case.