
Herman Cain Finds Inevitable New Home in Talk Radio

The Ghost of a Flea6/04/2012 9:43:10 am PDT

re: #10 erik_t

Since the damned federal government can’t solve all of these critical existential problems facing our most exceptional nation, I would like to make this exclusive offer to all Fox News shoppers. For only three payments of $19.95 plusahundreddollarsinshippingandhandlingmumblemumble, you can get my exclusive Selective Gender Abortion Prevention Rock! Just set it in your front yard and you can prevent in excess of 99% of abortions in a ten mile radius from being conducted based on the gender of the child! Supplies are limited, so act now!

I suggest the upgrade package, which also stops Creeping Shariah and the forms of radiation that turn people gay.