
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

researchok7/13/2012 3:33:23 pm PDT

The hard Right goes after Condi Rice:

Rice for VP a Slap in the Face to Conservatives

Condi’s weaknesses are many, according to her detractors, not the least if which she is pro choice:

We want someone that conservatives recognize as one of their own, not some nominal Republican that the news media thinks of as a conservative because they have an “R” for Republican beside their name.

And that describes the pro-choice Condoleeza Rice all too well.

While there is no doubt Condoleeza Rice is well grounded in the ways of Washington and her intelligence and experience in the Bush foreign policy and national security apparatus make her look qualified to be Vice President to the establishment Republicans who surround Governor Romney.

But that’s exactly the problem. Surrounded as he is by establishment Republicans from the Bush era, Governor Romney doesn’t seem to grasp that the Republican defeats of 2006 and 2008, and the Tea Party rebellion of 2010, were in some measure caused by the policies Condoleeza Rice advocated and carried out on behalf of George W. Bush.

Condoleeza Rice is no movement conservative. Given her association with some of the worst neo-con inspired policies of the Bush era, putting Condoleeza Rice at the top of the VP short list is an insult to the conservatives, Tea Partiers and independents that are looking for a break with the old establishment Republican Washington that Rice represents.