
Paul Ryan Lied About Requesting Stimulus Money

Bubblehead II8/16/2012 2:40:31 pm PDT

Now I am no supporter of Ryan, but this he “lied” about asking for Stimulus funds seems a bit over the top.

“If Congressman Ryan is asked to help a Wisconsin entity applying for existing federal grant funds, he does not believe flawed policy should get in the way of doing his job and providing a legitimate constituent service to his employers,” the 2010 statement said.

Now. if this is correct, he didn’t directly ask for those funds. The companies applying for the Federal grants did through their applications. All he did was write letters to the Fed asking them to approve those applications.

This is one of the things Congress critters are elected to do. Intercede on the behalf of their Constituents and help them navigate the Federal bureaucracy. What was he supposed to do? Tell these companies that he was personally against these grants and refuse to help them?

Doing so would have been political suicide.

Just my two cents worth.