
Todd Akin Confuses Mitt Romney and the Entire GOP Establishment With 'Liberal Media'

lawhawk8/21/2012 5:43:41 pm PDT

There are GOPers who will try to spin this as Akin’s rape comments aren’t indicative of the rest of the party, except that Akin’s positions are part and parcel of the GOP rollback of women’s rights - including the personhood amendments they’re trying to pass nationally, the further limitation of abortions, and trying to redefine rape into classes that have never before existed (legitimate rape, etc.).

Moreover, Akin’s positions are based on those of other leading GOPers and right wing/ social conservative such as Bryan Fischer; they’re pushing a social conservative agenda and Akin’s only fault is that he let the cat out of the bag before the election. His attempts at backtracking only further exposed the GOP charade about womens’ rights.