
Investigation Into Missing Malaysian Jet Expands

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/17/2014 8:47:09 pm PDT

re: #101 Lidane

Every time I see these pro-Putin memes I wonder how many of them come from people who were either home schooled or decided that actual history and actual education were the realm of pointy-headed libruls in ivory towers.

I’m gonna link that idea with the A Beka history curriculum discussed in this page

I have a copy of the A Beka teacher’s curriculum guide for the 8th grade history course. The course focuses primarily on the people in history, supposedly to make it more appealing to youngsters. The course does not spend a lot of time on “big picture” ideas of history, other than continually playing the harp of Providence in every part of American history.

Now, using historical figures to teach history is fine for elementary school children, but kids by the 8th grade should be able to handle some abstract ideas to understand why and how events unfolded. I guess that A Beka’s focus on people (mostly men, BTW) is part of the “appeal to authority” that Christianists favor so much.

I’m guessing the RWNJ think something like:
Putin is an authority figure. He seems decisive, and conservative. He hates gays, after all. He wanted Crimea, because he thinks it belongs to Russia. So, he took it. If God didn’t want him to have it, Putin would have failed. End of story.

Primary school logic.