
"Josie" Story of Brown Shooting Lifted From Fake Facebook Page - See Updated Timeline Below

Dark_Falcon8/23/2014 5:21:58 pm PDT

re: #123 BeachDem

That story seriously bothers me at one point (offending portion bolded):

She then double dog dares Hillary Clinton, whom she hates with a frozen tundra iciness, to take the challenge, and also John McCain, presumably because he is old and the shock to his system will probably kill him and then he’ll never be able to finally confess that picking Sarah Palin as his running mate was worst fucking decision anyone has ever made in the history of mankind, and “please forgive me and have mercy upon my soul.”

No. John. We won’t. Stop asking.

Then someone -one of her meth kids probably — hits Sarah with some ice water and she screeches horrifically in a way that will make your testicles retract even if you don’t have them.

Making methaphedemine jokes about Sarah Palin’s children is NOT COOL. Calling someone a drug addict just because of whose child they are is ugly and wrong.

I also dispute that John McCain wouldn’t survive the Ice Bucket Challenge. He’s a pretty tough fellow, he’d do just fine. But he’d have to have someone else pour the bucket due to the injuries he sustained in service to the USA.