
Wednesday Jam: Crowded House Farewell Tour, "Don't Dream It's Over"

Eclectic Cyborg2/11/2015 7:22:54 pm PST

Ok, I just had to do this:

“Hi, I’m Charles Johnson and I have LGF.”

CCJ: “And I’m Creepy Charles Johnson and I have a lame blog called Gotnews. com”

“On LGF, I host lively political discussions with a diverse range of intellectual commentary.”

CCJ: “I have no actual talent, so I spend my time doxxing rape victims and minorities,”

“I work hard daily to maintain a smooth running, top quality online community.”

CCJ: “I’ll give you sexy pictures of my Hot Asian Wife (tm) if you send me money!”

“Don’t be like this me, stay with LGF.”