
NAACP Releases Statement on Spokane President Rachel Dolezal

Nyet6/12/2015 1:04:43 pm PDT

re: #138 Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)

Okay, well, to me that’s not what ‘just as bad’ means, that seems to be your own private definition of it. I think you’ll find that most people think that ‘just as bad’ means ‘roughly equally bad’, not ‘past some point of bad tolerance’.

First off, those words in quotes do not belong to me.
You are free to argue that what I wrote is equivalent, but please don’t write as if it’s my quote.
Second, I wrote “isn’t really better”, and sometimes “better” just doesn’t apply. Like, what is better, very very bad thing A or very very very bad thing B? A has one “very” less, but “better” still doesn’t really apply.

There’s lots of ways you could say what I think you want to say, or at least attempt to achieve what you want to achieve, without tripping over semantics.

Personally, my bugbear is anti-scientific thinking on the left, and abuse of statistics, which happens all the time. When I see it, my response is “It doesn’t matter how much the ‘right’ does it, we need to be better than that, we need to be totally intolerant of that sort of shit on our own side and correct it whenever it’s there”.

To mock Fox News for fucking up in a fake way distracts from pointing out the real ways that Fox News fucks up and so it’s really, really dumb. That fox might fuck up the graphic of an actor really isn’t a big deal, I wouldn’t think badly of them for doing so anyway.

Well, here we agree.