
A Stunning Solo Acoustic Guitar Piece by Salomon Jakobsson: "Desert Mouse"

Interesting Times1/20/2017 5:50:11 pm PST

re: #85 BigBadDemocrat

We worked the phones, blogged , gave money yet every one here and in the media, the Democrat Party, Pres Obama all day how terrible Trump is yet he won enough states and electoral votes to win.

Where did it go wrong and please not the Russians as they can not even keep their own food supply up???!!!!

I’ve posted a lot of material about this, and (perhaps contrary to the prevailing view here), I do think the Dems made a huge mistake in underestimating the appeal of economic populism (yes, I know HRC tried to put forth progressive policies, but they weren’t articulated in a way that reached the people she needed to reach - namely, low-info voters who could never be arsed to visit the policy section of a website and only respond to feel-good bumper-sticker slogans)

Now…would Bernie have won? There’s no way I can say with 100% certainty how he would’ve fared under sustained GOP attack (though every criticism you could have leveled against him, e.g. too cozy with Russia, applied 100-fold to trump). I also can’t say if the POC vote would’ve come through for him in the end. I do feel confident, however, in saying that his populist rhetoric would’ve appealed to a good chunk of the low-info, angry, “fuck the establishment” types who broke for trump, esp. in the so-called “Brexit” states.

So maybe Elizabeth Warren would’ve been the ideal nominee last year… :/