
This Is Good: Some More News Dives Deeply Into What It All Means: "The Impeachable Mr. Trump" [VIDEO]

retired cynic11/24/2019 3:18:24 pm PST

re: #136 BeachDem

That’s why I bit the bullet when I saw her field organizer last week and agreed to do her (the field organizer’s) data entry or whatever she needs me to help with. I remember when I had my Hillary field rep living with me—she’d get home at 11 pm, after having been out all day, and still had to do her data entry—I would do it for her while she took a breath, and she was THRILLED to have the help. (I also fed her, helped her put signs together, organize her days, gave her contacts—anything that didn’t involve door knocking. I hate door knocking! Did it in NC for Obama, but it was painful.)

Good on you!!