
A Dark Vision: Protomartyr, "I Am You Now"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/08/2020 1:34:20 am PDT

Doom scrolling through the LGF threads tonight, came out of lurk mode for a comment on conservatives trying to reject the will of an election by force of arms.

As someone noted, how many guns can you use at one time? I’m pretty sure I can only use one.

Moreover, how many would really be willing to put their life down for something like that? Throughout history we’ve always had violent conservatives, but with the exception of the Civil War they were few in number. Without the support of state governments I doubt they could get that far, and I don’t see the National Guard throwing in with them as whole formations (maybe individual deserters). Plus the National Guard would be shooting at their own family, friends, &c.

In the worst-case scenario I can see, conservatives in the rural south and west might launch a low-level terrorism campaign to slaughter opponents. In that case, I would hope blue states would do something to get those people out; I expect I would be one of those slaughtered because there are too many liberals who seem to think whole states should be punished for the choices of GOP governments.