
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

lawhawk5/28/2024 5:50:35 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area on this bright and sunny day. However, attention must be paid to 100 Center St and the courtroom of Judge Merchan, who is presiding over the criminal trial of Donald Trump. The case goes to the jury today, and closing arguments and jury instructions will precede the deliberations.

A verdict can come as early as this week, which means we can learn whether the presumptive GOP nominee is a convicted felon (who would otherwise be unable to land a government job involving security clearance anywhere in the nation). Think on that.

The GOP thinks that Trump should be nominee, despite being indicted on over 90 charges, and likely to be found guilty on 30+ in NYS alone. They have no plan to deal with this, instead thinking that Biden’s the one who will somehow be replaced at some point by desperate Democrats.

It’s all projection all the time from GOPers, and the media insistent on a horse race between the media manipulating Trump who never met a soundbite he couldn’t mangle and still get positive coverage, and the decent and good (but old) Biden.

The media will still manage to fuck all of this up, spinning the outcome to somehow benefit Trump.

See also: NYTpitchbot: Trump convicted on all charges, here’s why that’s bad news for Biden.