
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

Gretchen2/09/2009 7:05:48 am PST

If they guy holds no official capacity in the church, then what he believes about the Holocaust is not relevant. Holocaust belief isn’t a tenant of the church. Far more babies have been killed via abortion if you view abortion as murder (as the church does) and the church does not excommunicate even the most strident pro-abortion politicians, although they have, in some cases been denied communion.

I think he’s an idiot, however, it is not really the aim of the church to excommunicate idiots, and the Pope is right not to allow this nut’s views weigh on his decision, as it is a view on an historical event not a church doctrine. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have both misrepresented the church’s view on abortion on television, and yet have not been excommunicated.

If he were allowed to be a practicing bishop, we could have a different discussion.