
Tim Blair's Sock Puppet Lawsuit

austin_blue4/03/2010 9:32:43 pm PDT

re: #91 Thanos

Those were not insurgencies however. Talk to people in the Cointel biz and they will tell you that those take 7-11 years. We’ve essentially already won the war in Iraq, now it’s a question of whether it was to any good or not.
Right now I’m leaning towards yes it was good, especially as the more secular party won the last election. It will take time to really settle whether it’s a real long term strategic plus or minus in the region however.

I agree. The problem is that we *created* the insurgency in Iraq. It was stable before the invasion, and Hussein was completely contained. The UN inspectors went in, and continued to find *nothing* in the way of WMD for month after month, and for good reason. There was no there there. So when Rumsfeld said, just after the invasion:

ABC Interview
March 30, 2003
We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.

He lied. For a nice list of the Administrations bullshit campaign, get a load of this:

Understand, this is not a Moonbat site. These are all quotes taken in context.

This is why Afghanistan has become such a problem. A counter-insurgency in Afghanistan (necessary) would have cost us half of what we will spend in blood and gold in BOTH Afghanistan and Iraq. Stupid and pointless.