
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne10/11/2010 7:11:55 am PDT

re: #113 garhighway

OK, point taken.

Do you have any evidence of those two things being the cause of lackluster employment numbers?

I know at my company, we have a pretty good handle on next year’s health care costs. The health insurers price that on a calendar year basis, and we know what 2011 will cost. 2011 will be more expensive than 2010. Just like 2010 was worse than 2009 and 2009 was worse than 2008.

And I have yet to see a reasonable explanation that goes beyond talking point recitation of how the return to the very reasonable Clinton rates for the $250K and up band is a job killer.

But let’s see what you have.

Increasing business costs and taxes when the economy is rolling along at a pathetic 1% growth rate is not an answer unless the question is “how can we drag the recession out as long as possible”. HCR was never about lowering costs or lowering the jobless rate and to do it now when we’re in the midst of the worst economy in 40 years wasn’t “proper planning”.

IMO, There are 3 distinctly different questions we need to answer. 1. How can we lower unemployment, 2. How can we lower the deficit, and 3. Can we do both at the same time?. Krugmans argument is we shouldn’t worry about the deficit which everyone, including the president, realizes isn’t a good answer.