
Shooting Suspect's Family Blockades House

Walter L. Newton1/10/2011 1:37:37 pm PST

re: #127 Lidane

I’m talking about the pathetic excuse for a responsible press that we have in this country, and the vultures that take advantage of that to reach the alienated and disaffected.

I’m talking about irresponsible political types who use violent and bigoted rhetoric to blame everyone and everything for their problems in order to win votes. They blow on a dog whistle than stand around in amazement when a dog comes running and attacks.

I’m also talking about the fact that the whole world has literally changed in the last 20 years, and even moreso in the last 10. It’s no accident that the more reactionary types in this country and in the Tea Party are older. The entire world structure they knew is gone. Communications, business, and everything else are completely different now than they were even a decade ago, and some simply cannot handle the change. They’re drawn to images and rhetoric that casts them as the real patriots, fighting the good fight against all the evils in the world.

It’s an overall culture of fear and anger. Sure, we’re a free society and don’t live like the Burmese or North Koreans, but to pretend that we’re immune to fear is ridiculous. Our culture is soaked in it.

I’m not afraid of anything that I can think of.