
Kentucky Republican Legislators: "The Theory of Evolution Is Not Science - Darwin Made It Up"

simoom8/14/2012 8:08:27 pm PDT

re: #95 HappyWarrior

Obama killing Romney with kindness. Has Romney even been bothered to say a kind word about Obama ever? Last I recall he acted like a mushy mouthed coward when a supporter called the President a monster. Obama meanwhile routinely tells crowds that boo Romney and now Ryan that are decent guys just with bad ideas.

Romney’s very entry into the race was a character assault on Obama’s patriotism. His book and announcement speech were steeped in that Right Wing invention that the President lacks fundamental american traits, that he “doesn’t believe in American Exceptionalism” and that consequently he “goes around the world apologizing for America.”

Stunningly false personal attacks are present in the Romney camp’s first party advertising, Romney’s stump speeches and in surrogate talking points:

Dog-whistle ads accusing the president of repealing the welfare work requirement (“Under Obama’s plan, you wouldn’t have to work or wouldn’t have to train for a job, they would just send you your welfare check”); accusing the commander-in-chief of conspiring to prevent military servicemen from being able to vote; an ad, accusing a man whose religious identity is the subject of frequent smears, of engaging in a “War on Religion”; spectacularly misleading claims that the president “stole from” “robbed” “raided” the Medicare trust fund and that he has “blood on his hands.”; reckless accusations that the president is disgracing the office of the presidency and that he’s trying to smash the country apart…