
Live Video: 2012 Dem Convention Day 2

Tigger29/05/2012 5:17:27 pm PDT

re: #133 ElCapitanAmerica

I’ll probably get voted down for this, but the amount of abortion talk at this convention is going a bit overboard and puts the candidacy at risk more than anything. I guess this is to energize the base? If you are pro-choice you’re going to already vote for the Dems, if you’re pro-life you are going to compromise because you might be more attracted to the obvious economic benefits of this administration.

However the emphasis on abortion, given the economic state of the country and the threat to healthcare in general (ie: repealing “Obamacare”) are issues that I think are being put in jeopardy because of this.

They are also talking about birth control, I might be a guy but I don’t want the Republicans banning birth control.