
Overnight Music: Naughty Boy Feat. Emeli Sande - Wonder

William Lewis9/30/2012 6:33:16 am PDT

re: #132 Dark_Falcon

Romney has to stand firm and make his case. He doesn’t have to dent Obama directly, just present himself as the credible alternative to Obama.

And that’s exactly what he won’t be able to do because he’ll no more have a real credible plan than he’ll release his older tax returns. He isn’t not telling details of his “plans” because he’s been saving them for the debates, DF, he’s not telling them because he hasn’t got a clue. And his problem all along has been that the more people see of him the less they like him - this is going to be his biggest audience yet and, I’d bet, he’ll drop 5% to 10% afterwards.

He’s like a Democratic dream of a Republican candidate - the weaknesses of Mondale, Kerry, & Gore rolled up into a single candidate - arrogant, clueless, flip flopper, questionable honesty, etc.

Now I’ve been voting Democratic (despite their center- right tendencies) all my life and I’ve seen them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory more than once. But this time the only solid base Mittens has is the racist right. The religious right doesn’t like or trust him and the fiscal right is marginalized by the TPer’s who don’t think he’s conservative enough. He’s on a track to ensure Obama’s re-election and I can’t help but remember Napoleon’s maxim: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Obama will smile and hand Mittens more than enough rope.